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NAPHRO was created to facilitate and coordinate strategic convergence in health research funding across Canada. NAPHRO members engage in inter-provincial and national dialogue, partnerships and collaborations to help inform their decision and share best practices. 

Collectively, NAPHRO members represent a yearly investment in health research and innovation of close to $500 M dollars, contributing to diverse and wide-spread positive local and national impacts:

We are a trusted resource to our academic and clinical research communities, as well as policy and decision makers.

Social Impact: By funding and co-funding world-class medical research, NAPHRO investments lead to improved health and overall well-being of Canadians.

Economic: By recruiting and investing in highly qualified personnel and students, NAPHRO members create high value-add jobs that grow the knowledge economy.

Innovation: NAPHRO members support health research and innovation capacity across Canada through traineeship awards and operating grants, through the administration of world-class peer review systems, and by funding and implementing the translation of knowledge into innovative health products, services, technologies and solutions.

Collaboration:  The alliance has successfully collaborated on and contributed to various joint initiatives such as:

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